EnsignEnsign B'Inca

If you want to use this character in one of your posts you are free to do so, there is no need to contact the CO if you just stick to her personality profile and try to write accordingly

Position: Nurse
Ensign B'Inca
Species: Vulcan
Gender: Female
Age: 34
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Place of Birth: Vulcan
Date of Birth: November 1st, 2348
Father: Sahn
Mother: M'Aike
Fiancee: T'Rell
Languages: Federation Standard, Vulcan
Interests: Reading, Kids and Archeology.

Much like her fiancee she is a standard type of Vulcan, although in her line of work she has to deal with emotions and other people a lot more then T'Rell. It is because of this that her Emotions are a bit more to the surface then T'Rell or any other Vulcan for that matter.

A very open and friendly Vulcan, not unlike T'Rell. So it is not that off that she would be engaged with this other Vulcan.




Tour of Duty Romulan

Obsidian Fleet Distinguished Service Cross
Obsidian Fleet Service Citation

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