Lt. (jg) Telek Sulan

Position: (Acting) Chief of Security
Species: Vulcan
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Birth: T'marr Monastery in the western
deserts.(Abandoned), Vulcan
Date of Birth: 2nd of August 2352
Father: Torin Sulan
Mother: Aventris
Languages: Romulan, Vlucan, Klingon, Federation Standard Terran,
a memathematicalode dialect based on calculus she helped develop.
Interests: Tactics, bladed weapons, unarmed combat, knife combat, vulcan martial arts, phaser rifle marksmanship, sniping, infiltration, stealth, governmental tructure, vulcan philosopy, and vulcan meditation.

Her bearing is cooly authoritative and somewhat ruthless, though other vulcans can sometimes sense a seething anger beneath her seemingly emotionless surface. Her tendancy toward erie quiet often but humans on edge. When she gives an order she expects it to be followed without questions, and likewise will do the same when ordered. Due to how she was raised as a child, she feels herself vastl ysuperior to humans, and will testify to that fact redilly.

“Kill one brutally, shock a thousand.” -Sulan


After being injured at age 14, she was taken in by an unknown organisation as a test case. She cannot remember the two years of her life between ages 14 to 16. Upon entering Starfleet academy at age 16, she excelled in all of her classes, but had extreme difficulty in dealing with humans, and often used violence to get her way when words failed her. As a result, she was an outcast among her fellow classmates, even her fellow vulcans.

After graduation little is known of her exploits, except that she was a major participant in the battle of Sigma Six, where is was alleged that she commited several war crimes, though no crew under her command at the time will verify that fact.


Crew's Choice Award

Captain's Personal Merrit
Crew's Choice Award April 2006


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