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Sample Post from Caelen LaBrie
Be aware that the following Sample post was used for a Commanding Officer application, it might be a bit long and elaborate but it does give a good example of how a post should be written and some of the things it could contain. For obvious reasons another scenario is used for this example then the ones you can actually pick for your application, we don't want you copy'ing anything now do we? I hope you find the following helpful in both your application and future posts. |
-={On}=- Caelen was enjoying a good meal with his daughter, Alexandra, for the first time in weeks, it had been busy, When the ship shook violently and Caelen got thrown out of his chair onto the floor, a hard bang with his head on the surface indicating that he indeed had hit the floor. It only took a split second for the emergency lighting to come to life. With one hand on his head he got up from the ground and looked around a bit dazed. When he saw his daughter on the floor he helped her up, “are you ok?” he asked worried squatting in front of her looking her in the eyes. Alex just nodded fiercely, the turbulence that had shook the ship send her flying as well. It stung a bit but she was alright. With Alex holding his left hand he made way towards the door where a few crewman tried to open it but failed. The power was out throughout the ship, luckily for them the emergency power could provide them with life support and lights. Caelen tapped his comm. badge and tried to contact the bridge, =/\= Caelen for the bridge, please respond =/\= but there was no answer from the bridge. Internal communications must’ve been knocked off line as well. Caelen moved closer to the door where the crewman were still thinking of a way to open it, Caelen kneeled next to the door, “give me some room please” he said to one of the guys that were busy with the door as he tried to find the panel that covered the hydraulic release. As Caelen pulled the switch you could hear the magnetic seal break lose but the doors didn’t open yet. The three crewmen that had stepped back now came back closer to the door as Caelen got up form the floor. They started pushing the released doors aside, to everyone’s surprise it took quite some effort. Once the gap became big enough for a grown man to go through Caelen moved towards it and pushed Alex through the gap, “Thanks lads” he said with a smile at the Engineers who all just nodded in return. “Everybody report to Battle stations!” He shouted right before he ran around the corner and out of sight from the lounge. Quickly making way towards the turbo lift, Caelen wasn’t surprised to see that it wasn’t working either. “We’ll have to climb, you can do that right?” he asked looking down to his daughter as he pressed in a code to open the turbo lift doors. “there we go, one step at a time and be careful” Caelen said as the worried dad that he always was and would always be. At the moment Caelen wanted to start climbing his comm. badge chirped, he hit it and then continued his way up the stairs, following his little girl on the way up. =/\= Captain to the bridge =/\= the comm. badge chirped, =/\= On my way, may take a minute, turbo lifts are out, currently on deck…=/\= he looked around for a deck number as he still was progressing upwards =/\= deck 4 =/\= he said as he just passed a big blue 4 on the wall. =/\= Roger that commander, bridge out =/\= the communications officer said closing off the channel. “we’re almost there sweetie” Caelen said to the little Alex, she only had to go to the third deck, as that was where his quarters were. Alex stopped climbing when she found the door marked with the blue 3, she waited for her dad to catch up and open the doors for her. Holding on to the stairs with his right hand he pried open the panel below the door with the other, pushing several buttons before the doors complied and opened with a hiss. Alex crawled out of the lift shaft and into the corridor, “go to our quarters and find a safe place” Caelen said as Alexendra dashed off to the quarters. Caelen resumed his way upwards towards the bridge on deck one, luckily for him he wasn’t the CO of a Galaxy class starship, then the climb would’ve really tired him. This climb reminded him that he should work out more, he got to used to the convenience of turbo lifts and all the eases that were in the star ships nowadays. When reaching the first floor and opening the doors to the bridge it still wasn’t clear as to what had hit the ship. Or where it had came from, the viewscreen showed a clear starry sky without any foes on the viewer. Caelen stood up from his knees and straightened his uniform. As he made way to the center chair, still watching the screen he asked “What is going on?” even before he sat down in his chair. He looked around awaiting a response but nobody could give him a definite answer. Then the communications officer spoke up “getting a message from Engineering, they said some device has gone off near the warp core” the young communications officer started “the yield wasn’t strong enough to destroy it but it destabilized the warp core” Caelen shook his head, that wasn’t enough to cause all this. “Ops, what systems are down?” he said turning his attention to the Chief operations officer. “Main power and weapons systems” came the reply from the still rather young Chief Ops. “Sir report from the security office, a device has also exploded in the ventral phaser banks” the communications officer relayed yet another message, it seemed as if they had a saboteur or even a terrorist on board. They should be prepared for anything, especially an assault by a marauder or two. “go to red alert, try to get defensive and offensive systems online A.S.A.P.” Caelen said over the sounding of the alarm bells and the message of general quarters. “Jack” he then said to the Chief of Security, “We have a saboteur and he’s still on this ship, there is no way to go but out of the airlock, make sure you either get him in time or he makes it out of the airlock without a Environmental suit” The main power got back online with a flicker of the lights, The Chief ops officer reported “Main power back online, sir, shields are up, weapons still off line”. Caelen nodded at this and hoped that the security teams would get the saboteur in time. Kristiana then spoke up, his XO, “unauthorized shuttle is departing from the shuttle bay” she stated watching at the reports that came streaming in on her left console. “That would be the saboteur” she added stating the obvious. “Make sure he doesn’t get away” he said in general but looking at the Chief Tactical officer, who in turn just nodded and started typing in some sequences on his console. “There is no enough power available for tractor beam sir” the Operations officer said from behind him. Caelen rubber his head as it was still hurting from the drop on the floor, “The shuttle is free from the bay” the XO said as they saw a small type 15 class shuttle came into view on the big screen in the center of the bridge. “Ops, what’s the status on the tractor beam?” Caelen asked getting a bit stressed, although he had stated that he would be pleased with the message of the saboteurs death equally as that of his capture. Caelen now wanted to know who it was and why he had committed these acts, and perhaps most importantly for whom? “Can’t get the tractor beams online sir” the Operations officer responded after fiercely trying several combinations of actions on his console. Caelen sighed at this message, “you know what to do” he said to the Chief tactical officer, he never liked giving the order of shooting on one of his own ships. Luckily they still had control of the yield the phasers shot and the shuttle was one of their own so they knew where to hit it. Two orange rays shooting from the saucer section easily penetrated the shields and disabled the small craft. “Get that shuttle back into the bay, I want to know who tried to blow up my ship” Caelen said with anger in his voice, he was furious at this man or women who thought he or she would get away with this. Caelen stood up from his chair and walked towards the turbo lift “stay on red alert, whoever made the saboteur do this might still be out there” he said pushing the button next to the turbo lift waiting for the thing to arrive. Luckily for him it was working again and it wasn’t long before the lift arrived at the bridge. Caelen stepped into the pod and as the doors closed he rubbed his head again, he should really hang on to his seat a bit better in the future. -={Off}=- Commander Caelen LaBrie |