all the news messages from the frontpage are stored here, this includes three month old ones as well as
crispy new ones, sorted by date, newest First. (Updated last on 23rd of February)
August 4th 2006 - With a new month comes a new Motto! We have changed from "The Difficult we do Immediately, the impossible takes a little while longer" to "Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici" which is latin and translates to "By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe". |
July 28th 2006 - I am sad to announce that Magdalena Deacon has left the USS Pegasus, again we lose a Chief Diplomatic Officer. With this departure I have decided that Diplomatic Officers will not be part of the Crew anymore, I have deleted the Department. |
July 8th 2006 - After a more succesfull vote then last month we have a Crew's Choice Award! Check the Bio of Ronald Evans for his Second Crew's Choice! Congrats Lieuteant Evans!!! |
July 3rd 2006 - Even in these dark times we are graced with a new crewmember, everybody please welcome Lt. (jg) River Kyle as our new Assistant Chief Engineer! |
June 25th 2006 - Due to some Re-arranging in the Task Forces of Obsidian Fleet the USS Pegasus is Now placed in Task Force 47-A: Musketeers. This will not have any impact on the Sim or posting, but I just thought I'd inform you. |
June 12th 2006 - the POTM for May has been chosen! Although I was a bit disappointed by the amount of Voters we still have a winner! Congratulations Lt. Black, for the first Single Post of the Month! |
June 12th 2006 - Crew's Choice Award! Congratulations to Hannah O'Driscoll to win this prestigious award! I hope you wear it with pride! |
May 21st 2006 - I know it's been way to long since April but I finally uploaded the POTM for April! You already know who won but just to show off and to refresh your minds it is now on the site! Congrats Petrova and Sulan! |
May 21st 2006 - We only dropped to a lower amount of players very shortly, we're now higher then before with 15 members on this crew! If you check the Crew Manifest you will see that we welcome two new players! A Strategic Operations Officer and a Chief Diplomatic (the Third one!). Welcome aboard Lieutenant Giovanni Valentino DiRisio and Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Magdalena Caroline Deacon! |
May 15th 2006 - As the more perceptive of you have noticed, there have been some changes in the Crew manifest, in addition to the deletion of inactive players we have gained a new Crewmember! Welcome Aboard 2nd Lieutenant G'ulf-Fey!!! |
May 15th 2006 - In celebration of our 6 month craziness on this vessel I have created what all good Star Trek shows should have An Intro! Click here to download the dreaded thing! |
May 13th 2006 - Can you believe it! It's been Six Months since we started this endevour! There are Six Crewmembers who have been awarded the six month Service Citiation! It's safe to say those people know who they are (as they also got E-mails). Congratulations for being able to hang around here for this long! and to many more!!! |
May 8th 2006 - The vote has been over for four days but now I finally updated it! Crew's Choice Award for April 2006 has been won by! Telek Sulan!!! Congratulations to the Vulcan we all love to hate! |
April 21st 2006 - Awards Day! Everybody's a Winner! (Well everybody who has been active off course) Check your Bios for your New Shiney!!! |
April 12th 2006 - Our tough little ship has been blessed with Two(!!!) new players, we now have a Chief Tactical Officer and our very first Junior Officer in the form of an Engineer! Welcome Aboard Hannah O'Driscoll and Max L'Pawn! (Check the Crew Manifest for their Bios) |
April 12th 2006 - I know it's late but I finally got around to writing this, Warrent Officer Ryylar has been awarded the Crew's Choice of March! *puts hands together* congrats, you deserved it! And I have also uploaded the new PotM some time ago, after the vote had closed, Click here to see who won it! |
March 31st 2006 - During the downtime we had yesterday I found time to grand everybody the Obsidian Fleet Distinguished Service Cross! Well that is everybody who has been on the ship for Three months Now... Thank you all for your continued support and I hope you are still enjoying your time here! |
March 22nd 2006 - After even more concideration then the Crew's Choice award thing the Command team has decided to split up the Security and Tactical Devisions. Seeing the design of the vessel and the Marine compliment we found this a logical decission. The fact that we have gained a whole new department to stuff people in is off course something that helped us make this decission. |
March 21st 2006 - In harmony with the update on the department pages I also, finally, got around to awarding the latest PotM! Click here to see who won it! |
March 21st 2006 - I finally got around to a major update, I replaced the PADDs I used to link to the Department Pages with Department Logos created by Kyan. Thanks mate, it's appreciated! In addition I have updated the Sister Page to include the right ranks and names for the Sister Ships that were already there and to add our new Sister Ship the USS Predator. |
March 19th 2006 - We have our first Assistant! Please welcome the Assistant Chief Science Officer Ensign Melina Bradbury. We wish her well and hope she has a great time! Welcome Aboard! |
March 17th 2006 - With the Departure of Kennock we were left without a Chief Diplomatic Officer, luckily we have a formidable replacement now, Ensign Kathryn Se'en Kharan! Welcome aboard! |
March 1st 2006 - After a succesfull mission in the Romulan Neutral Zone I am glad to award everybody that was on the vessel at the time, with the Tour of Duty: Romulan award. Check your Bio for your new shiney! |
February 26th 2006 - To add more realism and continuity to the Sim and allowing you to see the posts more lively I have made a Uniforms Page, I hope it helps you all in your posting! |
February 24th 2006 - In the shadow of the leaving of Lt. Kennock we can welcome a new player as well! Give a warm welcome to Crewman Recruit Alyson Cooper, who will be our new Captain's Yeoman and a Bartender in our lovely Lounge! |
February 24th 2006 - unfortunately I have to anounce the departure of our Chief Diplomatic Officer and Second Officer, Lt Kennock. We wish you a fond farewell and hope to see you again someday. |
February 22nd 2006 - Yay! we're doing great! Another crewmember! this time in the form of a Furry Caitian, Warrant Offiver Ryylar! Put your hands together for our new Lounge Manager/Chief Morale Officer! |
February 18th 2006 - Yet another new Crewmember! Please welcome the new Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Lieutenant Kosoandrisellapethio'andiello'drinar! Luckily we can just call him Koso... |
February 6th 2006 - We are happy to welcome our new Marine Commanding Officer, Welcome aboard 2nd Lt. Lee O'Bria, Good Luck and Have Fun! |
February 3rd 2006 - The Crew's Choice Award for the Month January has been awarded to Lt. (jg) Kathleen Black even with the typo in the poll (my bad) ... Congratulations Kathleen Black!
February 2nd 2006 - "The Post of the Month" has been awarded to Lt.Cmdr. Caelen LaBrie, Lt. Kristiana Petrova, Lt. Kennock and Ensign Russell D. Floyd, Congratualtions with this achievement! Click here for more information on the P.O.T.M. and to read the current post of the month. |
January 8th 2006 - The USS Pegasus has been awarded with the Silver Merit of Excellence for TF 47 |

January 2nd 2006 - The Crew's Choice Award for the Month December has been awarded to Ensign Ronald Evans with an overwhelming majority of votes. Congratulations Ronal Evans! |
January 2nd 2006 - The First "Post of the Month" was awarded to Lt. (jg) Kathleen Black, Ensign Ronald Evans and Ensign Russell D. Floyd, congratulations on this honour! Click here for more information on the P.O.T.M. and to read the current post of the month. |